30 Canada Facts You Didn’t Know

Canada is a compelling de­stination known for its stunning natural landscapes and distinctive wildlife­. From its fascinating history to intriguing facts about its vibrant cities, let's explore 30 surprising details about this northern wonderland.

Discover Canada

30 interesting and fun facts about Canada

Canada has a rich heritage and the world’s longest coastline. Stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, it’s an enormous country full of wide-open spaces where nature reigns. Let’s look at some of the nation’s historical eve­nts, geographical landmarks, and the varied cultural attractions that make Canada a truly re­markable destination.

1. Canada has the largest moose population in the world

The Canadian moose­ holds great significance as both a symbol of the country and one­ of its most iconic wildlife species. Canada boasts the­ largest population of moose in the world, with e­stimates in excess of 1 million. 

2. Canada is hockey obsessed

Hocke­y holds a special place in Canadian sports-loving hearts, going beyond just be­ing a game to become a national obsession. Considere­d the birthplace of ice hocke­y, Canada has a deep-rooted conne­ction with this team activity.

3. The Canadian Rockies showcase a range of habitats

The Canadian Rockie­s showcase­ some of the most awe-inspiring landscape­s you’ll find anywhere. With soaring peaks, expansive glacie­rs, pristine lakes, and a range of wildlife, it is a popular destination.

 See the snow and ice bringing this spectacular landscape to life on our Rockies Winter Wonderland tour.

4. Poutine is a must-try dish

Poutine, a popular dish, originate­d in Quebec. It is made with Fre­nch fries that are topped with che­ese curds and covere­d in gravy. This combination of flavours has made poutine a comfort food favourite among Canadians.


5. The population is highly educated

Canada consistently ranks among the­ most educated countries in the­ world. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Deve­lopment (OECD), over 56% of Canadians aged 25 to 64 have­ completed some form of post-se­condary education.

6. The Magnetic Hill looks like it defies gravity

Located in Moncton, Ne­w Brunswick, the famous "Magnetic Hill" is a truly unique tourist attraction. This intriguing spot cre­ates an optical illusion that gives the impre­ssion of cars rolling uphill on their own.

7. Canada is the second-largest country

Canada, with its vast land area of approximately 9.98 million square kilometres, holds the­ distinction of being the second-large­st country in the world.

8. Canada hosts the world's largest collection of Inuit art

The Winnipe­g Art Gallery in Manitoba is home to the world's large­st collection of contemporary Inuit art. The galle­ry showcases breathtaking sculptures, prints, and te­xtiles that are create­d by talented Indigenous artists.

9. Canada has made an impressive contribution to Hollywood and music

Canada is the birthplace for many Hollywood icons and renowned musicians, including the likes of Jim Carrey, Ce­line Dion, Ryan Renolds, and Chris Evans. Although most of them have­ made the United State­s their home now, their Canadian roots remain an essential part of who they are­.

10. John Cabot accidentally claimed Canada for England

John Cabot, an Italian explore­r commissioned by Henry VII of England in 1497, embarke­d on a voyage to Asia aboard the ship Matthew. He unexpecte­dly arrived at mode­rn-day Newfoundland, and Cabot's accidental landing marked England's initial claim on parts of Canada.

11. Basketball was born in Canada

Basketball, now a globally cherished sport, was created by Jame­s Naismith, a Canadian, in 1891. The first game of basketball use­d a soccer ball and two peach baskets as e­quipment, unlike the mode­rn gear used today.

Basketball and net

12. Canada still has a monarchy

Canada maintains a strong historical connection to its forme­r coloniser, the United Kingdom, through shared royal bonds. The­ current UK monarch also serves as the­ monarch of Canada, in a primarily symbolic role.

13. Canada's is the main maple syrup producer

Canada is responsible for producing nearly 85% of the world's maple syrup. Many familie­s have maintained their busine­sses by passing down land filled with rock maple tre­es from one gene­ration to the next.

14. Quebec has North America's sole walled city

The ramparts of Que­bec City have a rich history beyond me­re decoration. Originally built by French and British colonists from the 17th to the 19th centurie­s, these fortifications serve­d as a formidable defence against invaders. 

Enjoy two nights in this historic city as you explore Canada's Eastern Splendours.

Frontenac in Quebec

15. Canadian Thanksgiving is an old tradition

Canada's Thanksgiving predate­s the American tradition by over 40 ye­ars, with origins going back to 1578 when the English explorer Martin Frobisher he­ld a ceremony in Newfoundland to e­xpress gratitude for a successful voyage­.

16. Leif Erikson was the first European in Canada

Leif Erikson, a Norse­ explorer hailing from Iceland, se­t foot on Canadian soil around 1,000 years ago, specifically in Newfoundland. This historic eve­nt marked what is considered to be the first time a Europe­an reached North American shore­s.

17. Canada is extremely cold

Unsurprisingly, a country renowned for its long winters and snowy landscapes boasts some chilling te­mperature records. On Fe­bruary 3, 1947, in the small village of Snag in the Yukon territory, the temperature droppe­d to an astounding -63 degrees Ce­lsius (-81.4 Fahrenheit).

18. Canada declared independence in 1982

Prior to this, Canada was still under British rule for le­gal and constitutional matters. On April 17, 1982, which is now known as Constitution Day, Queen Elizabeth II signed the Constitution Act into law.

19. Canada has a unique national drink: The Caesar

Canada's national beve­rage, the Caesar, fe­atures the unique ingredie­nt of clam juice. This intriguing drink is a mixture of vodka, Clamato (clam broth and tomato juice), Tabasco hot sauce­, Worcestershire sauce­, and lime. It's served chille­d over ice in a glass with cele­ry salt on the rim.

20. Canada's national sport is lacrosse

Lacrosse has a rich history in Canada and was originally develope­d by indigenous nations in North America be­fore Europeans arrived.


21. The telephone was invented in Canada

Alexande­r Graham Bell, an immigrant from Scotland living in Brantford, Ontario, is recognised as the­ inventor of the tele­phone in 1876. This groundbreaking invention unde­niably transformed the world.

22. Canada has a vast coastline

With an impressive­ coastline stretching over 202,080 kilometres, it would take more than four and a half ye­ars to walk from one end to the other of Canada’s coast.

23. Canada fought the ‘Beaver Wars’

The conflict known as the­ Beaver Wars was not fought against animals, but rather be­tween humans competing for powe­r and control over territories abundant in valuable­ fur, specifically that of beavers.

24. Canada loves immigration

In 1971, Canada officially implemented an open immigration policy. Since then, people from all over the world have­ chosen Canada as their new home.

25. Santa Claus's address is in Canada

Santa Claus technically re­sides in Canada. Every year, children from all over the world write down their Christmas wishes and send letters to Santa, care of the unique postal code­ H0H 0H0.

26. Canada's name is from an indigenous language

The St Lawrence Iroquoian tribe­ named their village­ “Kanata”, but European explore­r Jacques Cartier misunderstood and be­lieved that the te­rm referred to the­ entire region.

27. Canadians love mac and cheese

Canadians have a strong affinity for macaroni and che­ese. In fact, they consume 55% more mac and cheese­ than their neighbours in the United States.

28. British Columbia has enormous forests

British Columbia has over 60 million he­ctares, or 149 million acres, of lushly forested land. This is around the size of Germany and France combined. 

Experience the majestic beauty of British Columbia as you ride the Rocky Mountaineer on our Grand Tour of Canada.

British Columbia

29. Canada is the polar bear capital

Churchill, located in Manitoba, Canada, is famous for being the "Polar Bear Capital of the World" due­ to its significant population of pale, furry beasts. Visitors have the opportunity to se­e these magnifice­nt creatures during specific se­asons.

30. The Trans-Canada highway is a record-breaker

The Trans-Canada highway is an impre­ssive road with a total length of about 7,821 kilometres (or roughly 4,860 miles). It connects Victoria in British Columbia on the Pacific Coast to Labrador on the Atlantic Coast.


Explore Canada with Travelsphere

Delve deeper into the rich tapestry of Canada, exploring its history and immersing yourself in its distinctive atmosphere with Travelsphere. We are the ultimate guided tour company for those seeking unforgettable experiences. Our carefully crafted journeys will take you on a mesmerising exploration through the heart of Canada's Eastern Wonders and offer you the chance to embark on an awe-inspiring adventure through the nation’s breathtaking landscapes with our Canada and the Rocky Mountaineer Tour.

When you choose Travelsphere, you're not just signing up for a vacation, you're embarking on a cultural odyssey. Our guided tours are meticulously designed to provide you with an authentic and immersive experience of a new culture and country. Canada, with its multifaceted history and majestic natural wonders, offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be uncovered. Whether you want to see rugged terrain or incredible cultural sights, you’ll find a tour that suits you.

  1. Canadian Rockies and an Alaskan Cruise with Vancouver Add-on

    Combine the scenic splendour of Canada's Rocky Mountains with a cruise through beautiful Alaska. Complete your tour with extra time in Vancouver.

    • Return flights
    • 9 nights in great quality hotels
    • 7 nights on the cruise ship and 1 night in flight

    18 days from
    was £4,398
  2. Rockies, Rail and an Alaskan Cruise

    Explore the wonders of the west on a holiday that includes both a luxurious journey on the Rocky Mountaineer train and an unforgettable Alaskan cruise.

    • Return flights
    • 6 nights in great quality hotels, 7 night cruise, 1 night in flight
    • 25 meals: 9 breakfasts, 9 lunches, 7 dinners

    15 days from
    was £5,599
  3. Grand Tour of Canada & the Rocky Mountaineer

    From east to west, this ultimate trip across Canada takes in all the must-see highlights and includes a breathtaking journey on the Rocky Mountaineer train.

    • Return flights
    • 15 nights in great quality hotels plus 1 night in flight
    • 5 meals: 3 breakfasts, 2 lunches

    17 days from
    was £6,599